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Denver, Colorado
These are my stories of cooking, creating, succeeding, and failing, but doing what I love all along.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Edible art!

Some people draw.
Some people play music.
Painters, sketchers, graffiti artists... everywhere.
I'm great friends with a lot of people that do amazing things with tattoo guns.

I used to think I wasn't a very artistic person. Until I got into the field of culinary. Peek through this window, if you will.

Imagine a 100 degree art studio with sweltering steam in one corner and blistering dry heat in another.
Imagine faucets running, metal slamming, hisses, sizzles, scraping aluminum, screaming, porcelain jiggling together like a wind chime in a hurricane.
All the while stories and jokes you would (or at least should) be embarrassed to say or even hear around your mother are spouting off between "EARS!" "ORDER UP!" "RUNNER PLEASE!" "FRIES DOWN, 3 ALL DAY!" being shouted as if mortars are landing in the dining room and we're the last of the front line. It feels more like war than an environment for creation.
To most people, anyways.
To the tried and true that I know, including myself, it's a sanctuary. I forget about my debts and drama and issues when I'm on the line. Myself as well as my coworkers work day in and day out in the aforementioned environment, and love every second of it. It's a chance to get our minds off of the troubles around us and do what we love: create beautiful food.
The hoity toity foodies that enjoy our creations probably wouldn't expect such a beautiful plate came from such a foul mouthed tattooed hooligan sneaking his after-shift drink at the bar. The pretty little plates that get set in front of you are our passion.

A painter pleases your eye.
A musician your ear.
A chef, your sense of smell, taste, and visual aesthetics are all considered in every menu item we make and especially every chef special we create. The next time you're at a decent restaurant, get the chef's special. Not some diner or greasy spoon where the special is what needs to be sold before spoil, but a decent sit down place. Doesn't even have to be the most expensive place on the block, but 9 times out of 10 that chef's special is a cared for newborn for the day that we culinary artists want to share with you, hoping to make our art a passion for you, as well.
Forget the starving artists. We're the artists that keep you from starving.

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