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Denver, Colorado
These are my stories of cooking, creating, succeeding, and failing, but doing what I love all along.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Cooking is the easy part.

I'm sad I haven't saved more of my past wine dinner menus or specials... It's pretty crazy the things you were once so excited about and completely forget in a few months time. wether it's 30 or 500 covers, there's one thing that stands true about being a chef. The cooking is the easy part. I can promise you that when I was the FNG grumbling about portioning about how my kitchen manager just sat on his ass all day and had it way too easy, I was absolutely unaware of all the things that he had to keep track of in his head at all times. I used to lose sleep before dinners and menu changes because I was worried something wasn't right and I dropped an important detail with all the different stuff swirling through my mind. This week I lost sleep because with a lack of events for the week I panicked, wondering what I was forgetting because I had nothing on my mind for the first few days since I took this position. Last Friday I prepped for a rehersal dinner, to release a new brunch menu, a new dinner menu, and a wine dinner menu on each of the following 4 days. This last week was regular business, with nothing special and just being on cruise control getting my kitchen back into shape, I felt my need to juggle menus and thoughts come to an abrupt halt and then I merely spent time trying to think about what I was forgetting to think about! I have constantly been telling Michelle, night after night, that I want to write something... and can never think about what because I feel like I have so many other things occupying my mind (Dinner here, menu there, order there, cover a shift here...) that I can't ever activate my creativity to write... so I figured I'd write about why I can't seem to write. Until next time!